We have full and part-time spaces available in Nursery. To book a tour of our lovely school, please contact the school office on 02476 392318.

Early Years

We would like to welcome you to our wonderful school, Nursery Hill Primary School.  We are so excited to have your child join our school and we are sure they will be extremely happy and develop a real passion for learning. We appreciate this is a very exciting and nervous time for all and hope that this information will make you all feel at ease with this new chapter.   

Our aim is to work in partnership with you, to make this transition to school a smooth, pleasant, exciting and happy experience for you and your child.  It is imperative that we keep communication open between home and school, to ensure the children feel comfortable with the transition, as well as helping us create the best opportunities for them. 

Miss Boulton is your child’s Class Teacher and there are 2 Learning Support Assistants in the class. 

Miss Boulton


Miss Hughes

EY L3 Teaching Assistant

Miss Shaikh

EY L3 Teaching Assistant