We have full and part-time spaces available in Nursery. To book a tour of our lovely school, please contact the school office on 02476 392318.


Geography at Nursery Hill

Here at Nursery Hill Primary School, the teaching of Geography aims to nurture a fascination with people and places around the world, ensuring the children develop a tolerance towards different lifestyles and cultures and a locational understanding.

In the Geography curriculum, we look at a range of topics starting with the local area and the UK, this progresses onto Europe and other countries around the world such as Africa and Australia. The children will make comparisons between these locations and the UK.

We start with an emphasis on physical geography allowing the children to fully grasp the notion of location and the different processes that shape the world we live in. This learning then progresses into human and environmental geography including opportunities for fieldwork.

The curriculum is strategically planned so that key concepts are revisited and built upon within lessons, across terms and throughout the years. This ensures secure retention of knowledge and vocabulary and therefore, developing a deeper understanding of the world our children live in.

Local Libraries

A visit to the local library is a great way to spend quality time with your child and inspire a love of geography. There is a library and information centre in Nuneaton and another in Hartshill. Click on the links to find out more.

Nuneaton Library and Information Centre Hartshill Community Library
Church St, Nuneaton CV11 4DR   Church Road, Hartshill CV10 0LY
0300 555 8171     02476 399511
Website Website