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Year 1

Year 1 is a new and exciting chapter in a child's education. Transitioning from EYFS, the children are supported and nurtured as they embark on the next part of their learning journey.
Through our curriculum, we support our children in becoming independent learners, who ask questions and make links between their learning.
Miss Preece


Miss Wakelin

Teaching Assistant

The children have daily phonics sessions, where the children are continuing to build their phonological understanding. By practising daily, the children are becoming more confident with their sounds and how to apply them to words. 
In June, the children will be taking part in the Phonics Screening Check. This is to assess how well the children can decode certain words and the results will be published nationally for each school.  
Please click here to see how you can support your child with Little Wandle Letters and Sounds.
Each child has a yellow reading diary, that needs to be in school daily.  We ask that the children read to an adult every day, so that they can continue to develop their skills. We ask a child to read their book three times. Once for decoding new words, the second is to develop their fluency and the third is to check their comprehension skills. 
The children are also encouraged to read a book for pleasure and this may be a book they choose to hear being read to them. Reading to a child is just as important as hearing them read, as they hear the fluency and expression adults use as they share a story.  
All reading should be recorded in their reading diary. 


Your child will be set weekly homework.  It is important that the children complete this homework, as it consolidates the learning they have been doing in class.  Each week, your child will have:

  • Reading – please read daily with your child. This should be their online reading book linked to their phonics as well as a reading for pleasure book.  Hearing others read is just as important!  Please record all reading in their yellow reading records.
  • Spellings
  • Phonics or spelling pattern activity
  • English
  • Maths

Homework is set on a Friday and is to be returned on a Thursday.

Spellings are sent home on a Friday and tested the following Tuesday.  These words will be linked to the phonemes they have been learning, as well as those previously taught to ensure that the children are retaining previous learning.  Whilst we test the children, they are also reminded to use these spellings in their writing, to show that they can be applied across their learning.
The children will also be learning the common exception words for their age. Below is a list of the Year 1 Common Misconception words.